Stable Coin Payments done right

Singularity offers simple APIs and SDKs for app developers to effortlessly and securely move Stable Coins and Native Tokens across wallets, chains and crypto banks. Allow your users to pay with Stable Coins or get paid in Crypto, in the fastest, most compliant and user friendly manner possible. Get in touch today!


Fast. Reliable. Secure.

Stable Coin Payments

Allow any user to easily collect payouts in Stables, anywhere in the world. We solve for bridging, swapping, on-ramping and other frustrating UX issues so you don't have to.

Connect any Wallet or Bank

Allow users to easily connect and fund any centralized or self-custodial wallet. With deep integration with popular centralized apps, support both new to Stables and pros.

eCommerce Checkout

Let users purchase your products using Fiat or cross-chain Tokens/Stables. Fast, reliable and compliant. Add to cart, payments and checkout all solved in 1 simple integration.


Payments APIs for Stables and Tokens

Blue Tick

Liquidity sourced directly from DEX

Blue Tick

Silent bridging between chains

Blue Tick

Fully gasless transactions

Wallet Connect

Blue Tick

Wallets with your own Custom Auth

Blue Tick

Connect leading centralized and self-custodial wallets

Blue Tick

Your user, your UX, your control


Blue Tick

Support for ERC-721 and ERC-1155

Blue Tick

No KYC, 1 click Credit Card payments

Blue Tick

Pay with Stables, Native Tokens or Fiat

NFT Checkout


We Build. You Customize.

Low-code APIs and SDKs that fit right into your game app within minutes

Plug n play SDKs for all platforms

Browser IconReact IconFlutter IconAndroid LogoiOS LogoUnity Engine LogoUnreal Engine Logo

SSO and custom auth support

Google LogomarkFacebook LogomarkMetamask Wallet LogomarkCoinbase LogomarkWallet Connect LogomarkEmail IconPhone Icon

Multi-chain enabled

Ethereum LogomarkPolygon LogomarkBinance LogomarkTezos Logomark

Fiat payments built in

Transak LogoMoonPay LogoStripe Logo


Get up and running in 5 mins!

Low-code APIs and SDKs that fit right into your game app within minutes

// This code is for illustrative purpose only
// Please refer to for the latest documentation

SingularityWrapper.startLogin(key, singularityConfig);
// This code is for illustrative purpose only
// Please refer to for the latest documentation

const singularityInstance = SingularityFlutter(this);
  key: , 
  singularityConfig: {}
const singularityInstance = SingularityFlutter(this);
	key: "xyz", singularityConfig: {'environment': 0}
// This code is for illustrative purpose only
// Please refer to for the latest documentation

	on parentVC: ,
  with params: ,
// This code is for illustrative purpose only
// Please refer to for the latest documentation

		SingularityConfigs.KEY to "",
    SingularityConfigs.SINGULARITY_CONFIG to mapOf(
    	SingularityConfigs.ENVIRONMENT to 
    object : SingularityListener {
    	override onGetSingularityUserInfo(user: String?) {
      	TODO("Not yet implemented")
// This code is for illustrative purpose only
// Please refer to for the latest documentation

  	const rsp=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event));
const user = AsyncStorage.getItem("SingularityUser");
// This code is for illustrative purpose only
// Please refer to for the latest documentation

{ "dependencies": 
if (_singularityUnity == null)
          _singularityUnity = new SingularityUnity(this);
_singularityUnity.OpenLoginScreen(key, singularityConfig);

What Our Clients Say

We highly recommend Singularity for their seamless fiat-to-crypto service.
Our service experienced improvement thanks to Singularity’s API integration, and their responsive team ensures smooth operations.

Singularity enabled us to streamline our payment process quickly and securely. Its seamless integration with our systems ensures a smooth onboarding experience and effortless payments.

Accessibility is key in web3 and Singularity’s payment solutions remove barriers and friction for users to be able to come in and easily acquire tokens. Integrating Singularity directly into your dApp and UI is simple and the team ensures they provide everything needed from integration to ongoing support.

Ready to start the web3 revolution?

We are just an email away and would be delighted to support your web3 journey.

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